We offer Microdermabrasion facials, a non-surgical method of rejuvenation by means of mechanical skin exfoliation without chemicals or laser. Deeply effective treatment for renewing and refreshing, to give a smooth, younger-looking skin. The least disruptive skin treatment, it is ideal even for those with sensitive skin.
Microdermabrasion costs £60.00.
The microdermabrasion technique works with microcrystals, which are hard enough to disrupt tired skin cells and cause dull-looking skin, but small enough not to do cause damage, discomfort or pain. The technique involves propelling the microcrystals across the skin’s surface, and removing just the top layer of skin cells.
The technology reveals new, living cells leaving a healthy glow and the epidermal layers of the skin are rejuvenated leading to collagen production and plumper skin.
Microdermabrasion is a progressive procedure. After the first session, your skin will feel softer and you may see a very subtle improvement. Generally, a course of treatments is required to gain visible improvement. Your skin however will improve with additional treatments as increased circulation is noted within the dermis and newer, healthier skin cells are produced.
The only real side effect is the possible temporary redness of the skin, which soon fades.
Kelly, our hygiene therapist carries out all our aesthetic treatments alongside Dr Sadd who is our prescribing dentist.
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